Jun 16Liked by Gary Judd KC

Unbelievable Gary.....

It is just incredible to me (just another dinosaur....), that this rubbish is being taught in law schools. I am surprised that Justice Glazebrook has expressed such an opinion and do not understand how such an interpretation is possible. Thank you on behalf of the majority of New Zealanders who would be appalled if they knew this was happening.

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Well said Gary.

Perhaps it would help the general population if there were three words to be clearly defined and understood in the context of what we are currently witnessing:




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First, There was the Treason of the Academics, added to it now is the Treason of the Lawyers. See Niall Ferguson's The Treason of the Intellectuals in Free Press on Substack.

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I wonder if the Committee, NZLS or NZCLE assessed consequences?

This short piece on Chesterton's fence simile expresses matters well. https://fs.blog/chestertons-fence/

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Thank you for speaking up and crafting such brilliant articles that call this Tikanga BS for what it really is. All power to you sir.

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Keep up the good work Garry.

I have my fingers crossed that Michael Heron is not of Susan Glazebrook's ilk, and that the truth of "Takeover/ He Puapua" will be exposed to the sleeping public.

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Thank you for writing so clearly and concisely about an issue that deserves careful and thoughtful reflection and discussion.

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