Time to cancel this creature, way past its use by date and completely anti-government and anti-democratic.

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The once proud and stable NZ ship has been cast adrift! Now a plaything for the tempestuous WT storms that have severed its moorings. Now it's fate is uncertain as the tribunal's winds howl and blow NZ towards the rocks in a dangerous harbour as 50,000 depart NZ for the first time - https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/net-migration-loss-of-nz-citizens-exceeds-50000-a-year-for-first-time-ever/WYQABVMNKBCB5MTOU462QG63VM/

The panel for the inquiry consisted of Judge Michael Doogan (presiding) as well as Professor Rawinia Higgins, Kim Ngarimu, and Professor Pou Temara.

The Tribunal determined the disparity between the number of Māori and non-Māori entering care was attributed to......alienation and dispossession of Maori by the Crown as well as failure to honour tino rangatiratanga over kāinga (being the traditional form of village habitation of pre-European Māori in New Zealand). Strangely an allegation in relation to NZ society seven hundred years ago that is suggested as being why there is a disparity between the number of Māori and non-Māori entering care today. A present day allegation due to seven centuries ago. Its an anachronistic and strange a Judge has supported the allegation to explain modern times due to events that are misappropriated in time.!


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Well reasoned, Gary.

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This is disgraceful, our whole judicial system has been wokeified and should go back to grass roots law

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Too late, they've all being indocrinated and the genie has escaped the bottle. We need to get rid of the lot and start over. That includes all law school professors.

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Thank you Gary for the clarity of your writing, and the views expressed, with which I agree.

I just think it’s not with appealing g beyond this point. Better if parliament resounds with amending legislation that makes its view clear ( again).

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Yes, Alasdair, I think you are right. Parliament needs to act.

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