Best note Government such as MBIE is seeking to transition NZ society and law - https://www.mbie.govt.nz/business-and-employment/economic-development/just-transition/just-transitions-guide/foundations/what-are-just-transitions/

MBIE states: - "In this guide, the term ‘just transition’ is intended as an umbrella that encompasses a broad range of concepts such as inclusiveness, justice, equity, fairness, wellbeing and sustainability, as well as processes such as representation, collaboration, partnership, co-design and participatory democracy. It is not intended to reflect (or exclude) a particular social or political ideology or theory of change. If the term ‘just transition’ does not resonate with you, don’t let that be a barrier to exploring and applying the underlying ideas. Simply substitute another term that works better for you."

Tikanga provides guidance on how to do just transitions. Tikanga might be thought of as the right way of doing things according to conventions, rules or protocols that have helped kin communities in the past in terms of social, economic, political and environmental survival. Tikanga helps to ensure processes and decisions are just and fair. Tikanga includes principles of consensus building, respect, care, balance, intergenerational equity and relationship building......

....."Following these procedures can enable equitable, fair and resilient outcomes. Plans and actions need to be understood and supported by the community to be successful. Deeply inclusive, participatory and enabling procedures allow everyone affected by a decision to influence that decision. These procedures ensure that decisions are tika just.".....“It will be our cultural practices – how we do things using ancient and adaptable intergenerational knowledge – that will shape and reclaim our natural world and replenish the mauri [life force] of our people, taonga [treasured species] and biodiversity.”

MBIE is riding on the coat tails of 'climate change' to introduce Maori Tikanga into the fold on the basis of saving the natural world. Incredible that this sort of manipulation and hearsay is being pumped out by Government.

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“ I don’t like the creep that is occurring everywhere with tikanga Māori, especially in law and I want it out. I’ve provided this essay so my euro centric bias and disdain is hidden within my convoluted legalese academic writing- the end”

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Or better yet”I’m a very wise lawyer and concerned New Zealander who seeks to preserve the mostly robust legal system that affords us a consistent & functional society rather than us turning into a monkey state based on semi-religious, animistic mumbo jumbo”.

But you’re entitled to your viewpoint.

ps Brilliant article Gary.

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Oh dear Borrie bot, touched a Eurocentric nerve did I? Have a Chardonnay and get over it.

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